Search Results for: book baby

Chapter Books for Advanced Elementary Readers

Hi, friends! We often have elementary school students who can read chapter books way above their grade level, but we want to make sure that the content is appropriate. I’ve spent hours researching to put together a book list of 20 great chapter books for advanced elementary readers. I’ve included Amazon affiliate links for these…


Reading Picture Books with Children 6: Gutters

Hi friends! I continue to be amazed by how the picture book parts that I’ve taken for granted all these years can stimulate such educational discussions! Once again, author Megan Dowd Lambert surprised me in Chapter 6 with her discussion of gutters: the vertical seam between the left and right (verso and recto) pages. How…


Reading Picture Books With Children 4: Front Matter

Hi friends! Even these short chapters of Reading Picture Books With Children are filled with meaningful ideas to share with our students! Are you ready to talk about Chapter 4, Slow Down and Look: Front Matter? Pointing Out the Different Pages By Name Let’s look at the different pages that author Megan Dowd Lambert includes…


Storybook Pumpkin Patch

Hi friends! If you haven’t tried a storybook pumpkin patch in your library yet, you’ve GOT to give it a try! This was my first year to give it a go, and WOW! Our students really surprised me! Gerald, the elephant Now, these are the same students who forget to turn in library books, and…

7 Tips For Librarians’ Best Back To School Season

7 Tips For Librarians’ Best Back To School Season

The back to school season can be busy and stressful, especially when you’re not only setting up your school library classroom but also supporting every teacher and administrator on campus. Everyone in the building seems to be excited and stressed out at the same time. The best we can do is to have our own…



show me your Library Centers I need Library Lessons Help me with Library Management I want to Promote Reading Library Lessons Blog Posts TPT Products About the Author Welcome, friend! I’m Cari White, school librarian turned curriculum writer. 17 years in education, 15 in the school library, taught me how to make the library the…

TBT: Library Orientation

Hi friends! Are you still enjoying summer? Or are you gearing up for a new school year and library orientation? Here’s a Throwback Thursday post to help you with some library orientation resources! Last year I shared Library Orientation Videos on this post here. Follow my Library Videos Pinterest board for more library videos to use…


Maybe a Bear Ate It

Hi friends! I just found a new favorite read-aloud! Today I read this great picture book, Maybe a Bear Ate It, to kindergarten and pre-K classes. How have I inventoried this book several times and never read it? This book was a fun story with great (giggle-inducing) illustrations that made the kids laugh, applaud, and exclaim,…