Found Friday: Art Makerspace

Hi friends!

I’ve joined with two of my favorite colleagues, Carolyn Vibbert at Risking Failure and Jess Lodge at Mrs. Lodge’s Library, to bring you Found Friday!

Found Friday Library Learners


We’re sharing the best ideas we’ve found (typically on Pinterest) for our library plans for next year. I hope you’ll join us!

Today my Found Friday post will focus on projects I plan to add to my arts and crafts makerspace. I’m planning to have a shelf full of colorful bins from the dollar store, with the materials and instructions for one project in each bin. Here are some fun finds!

Cool Handprint Art

Library MakerSpace Handprint Art

The only link in the pin is to an image. For my makerspace bin, all I’ll need are markers (always popular), pencils, blank paper, and a laminated copy of this graphic. I may also add the words “take this with you to finish later,” because they may not be able to finish this during their library time.

A Rainbow of Color

This is not a project, but I love these decorations for our arts and crafts makerspace. If you’re like me, you’ve got a few Scholastic vinyl table cloths in your library closet. If not, you can always grab these at the dollar store.

Screen Shot 2014-07-04 at 9.55.12 AM

Foldable Picture Frames

Look what Mrs. Rojas Teaches made with her class!

MakerSpace Foldable Frames

The original pinner cut down construction paper to 8 1/2 by 11, but I might just use colored printer paper so I can skip the step of cutting it down.

Foldable Paper Frames

I can copy this rectangle onto the paper so students can cut it out easily!

Students can either cut their own pattern around the edges, or we can put some fancy scrapbook scissors in this bin for students to use, like these.

MakerSpace ScissorsToilet Roll Fairy House

This craft project comes from Red Ted Art.

Fairy House in Library

This elf/fairy house project requires felt circles cut into thirds for the roof, paper and glue (and of course toilet paper rolls) for the house, and adult help to cut the doors into the cardboard. (I’m wondering if fifth grade library helpers could cut the doors and the roof parts. I’ll have to try this out.)

The materials and instructions for Pipe Cleaner Elves could be in a different bin. Who’s willing to put out the glitter glue?

I hope you’ve found a good idea to try to add some arts and crafts fun to YOUR school library! It doesn’t have to be complicated to be fun!

Library Learners Cari signature


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