Spring Library Centers
Hi friends!
The weather is getting warmer, trees are budding, and maybe you’ve already spotted a robin. It’s time to think about spring library centers.
I’ve added a few here. If you find some, or create some, or blog about some, please link up here!
Or the “chick” plates with this display … http://www.flickr.com/photos/vblibrary/4546461946/in/photostream
or the synonym garden flowers with paint chips (maybe with genre keywords?)
Though I do not in fact think paint on feet is such a great idea (books to tweet about) … sure there are easier ways to make the birds. 😉
Oh, wait. I am so obnoxious (and not wanting to do things I need to do!) … but I was just reminded of this one. If you could find enough of the big paint chips. And the kids put some thought into what they wrote in the time they had.