Elf on the Library Shelf, Day 1

Hi friends!

We’re back from our Thanksgiving Break and ready to hit it hard for 15 days before our Winter Break. I decided to host an Elf on the Library Shelf this year, to add a bit of fun and magic to our learning space.

I can’t make it too complicated, or I’ll get discouraged. So, I’m just using simple materials like index cards and craft sticks.

photo 1

(What you can’t tell from the photo is that our Elf on the Shelf is perched next to a solar dancing elf from the Dollar Tree. That solar elf boogies all day long!) Our students had a giggle out of it today.

I thought the elf would hold the sign, but his arms are soft, so they couldn’t really hold anything. I improvised with a binder clip.

I could probably get away with only changing the elf scenario once a week, but I’m going to change it and post about it every day. Because a lot of my students still believe that he magically moves around at night while we are away from school. And I like that.

I may have also gone a little elf crazy on our library doors.

photo 3

photo 2


I hope you have some elf magic in your library at this time of year.

Cari signature


p.s.–Don’t forget the sale at TPT today and tomorrow, using the code “CYBER” for Cyber Monday to get up to 28% off at checkout!


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    1. Hi Cari! I just wanted to let you know when I went on your pinterest yesterday I got a virus from the green Christmas tree project (origami), so you might want to not go on there! Bummer! It looks like such fun too!!!

      1. Thank you for letting me know about that problem, Kathryn. That didn’t happen when I checked the link on my Mac, but I deleted the pin so that won’t happen to anyone else.

    2. We have a year round elf on the shelf, who curiously looks like he should be at the North Pole. He ‘claims’ to be Skoobs brother Skeeter. He is dressed in his dress whites, and wrote a nice note to my kids that he was sent to watch over our library.

      1. How cute! I admit that I’m having so much fun with our elf that I don’t want to quit at the end of December!
        Thanks for sharing, Lisa!

    3. I work in a local public library and was wondering how we could incorporate this “Elf on the Shelf” into our library as well. What all did you do as far as the elf goes each day for the kids?

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