Library Goals

Hi friends!

Have you set goals for yourself and your library this year?

I’ve set a goal for myself to make reading fun this year on our campus. I really want to make it happen!  I’ve found that sometimes I start the year with the very best of intentions, with purposeful goals, then I get busy with the daily stuff, and my big important goal gets lost in the little urgent details of life in the library.

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying that people don’t plan to fail, but they fail to plan. So, I’ve decided to PLAN to make my goal happen. Here’s what I’m doing…

Using Microsoft Word, I printed my goal on a sheet of Avery address labels, and cut them up. Tomorrow, while I’m listening to all of those really important in-service meetings ; ) before school starts, I will stick a goal reminder on each weekly page of my planner.

As I write out my to-do list for every week, my goal will already be there on the page, and I can write my action steps for reaching that goal. I don’t have to depend on my brain to remember my goal for the next nine months or so. My planner will remind me!

There’s probably a really cool electronic way to do this, but I like to actually write things on my “to do” list and then cross them off. Preferably with a really colorful pen.

So… do you have a goal for YOUR library this year? Share your goal in a comment, and let’s encourage each other!


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    1. Hi Cari~

      As our district moves toward a new teacher evaluation tool for next school year, I was wondering if you would mind sharing some of your goals.

      Thank you for your great blog!! I always get inspiration from your posts!

      Take care,
      Anne-Marie Ross
      Library Media Specialist
      Manomet & Indian Brook Elementary Schools
      Plymouth, MA

      1. Anne-Marie,
        Our district evaluation form requires me to set 3 goals each year. Before I determine my library goals, I talk with my principal about what the goals are for the campus. For example, this year our campus is focusing on math. So, one of my goals is to include math in our learning centers and our research projects as much as possible. Then I also think about goals I need to work on within the library, to make it better. My other two (more library-centric) goals are building up the collection (we have the lowest book to student ratio in the district, and I’m trying to get us more books) and promoting reading (with events like our Storybook Pumpkin Patch and the “Reading is Sweet” cookies). I think it’s good to include one library goal that clearly connects with a campus goal, and shows that you are a team player. The more library-ish goals (like collection development) do help the school, but can be harder for administrators to appreciate.
        I hope that helps!

    2. Where did you get your planner? I am transitioning this year from the classroom into the library. I was trying to figure up how to set up my plan book. Any suggestions?

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