Game Changer Virtual Book Study

Hi, friends! Book access is a game changer, right? Getting books in kids’ hands is one of the big issues we are struggling with now that virtual learning as been thrust upon us by this global pandemic.

Game Changer book

Book Access for All Kids

As librarians, we know that students need access to REAL books (not passages, packets, or programs) to grow as readers. Right? How can we make a difference for our students by providing more access to books? Especially when school and public libraries are closed?

That’s what we’ll discuss as we study Game Changer!: Book Access for All Kids by Donalyn Miller and Colby Sharp. We’ll collaborate in a closed Facebook group, run by myself, Mrs. J in the Library, and The Trapped Librarian.

Here’s a sneak peek at Chapter 1 of this great book:

We will be discussing these questions, raised by the book:

  • How can we transform book deserts into book floods?
  • Why does every school need a library and a librarian?
  • What is the librarian’s role in supporting classroom libraries?
  • Why do students need to own books, not just borrow them?
  • How does text leveling derail our readers?
  • How do we ensure representation of diverse groups in our school library collections?
  • Why does it matter that we, as librarians, are reading children’s and young adult literature?
  • How can we help our students find time to read at home and at school?
  • How do we train students to select their own reading material?
  • What are some concrete strategies we can use to grow a community of readers?

I would love for YOU to join our discussion! We value your perspective and look forward to YOUR contributions to our virtual discussion.

Longest Summer Break Ever

We are currently facing the possibility of our students being out of school for 5 or 6 months. This quarantine shutdown could be like a very long summer break. What can we, as school librarians, do to provide book access to our students during these challenging times? What will we do for the school years to come?

Many of you are working from home and looking for activities to help you grow as a professional. This virtual book study is designed for that very purpose. We will provide weekly participation certificates so that you can provide accountability to your principal and you can document hours for professional development.

YOU Can Be a Game Changer!

Let’s read this book together, so that we can become game changers for our students! Virtual collaboration will help each of us grow as library professionals, sharing ideas we’ve tried and plans we can’t wait to implement.

Game Changers

To join our virtual book study, please sign up for our Virtual Open House mailing list below. We will send you more information, along with instructions for joining the private Facebook group. To participate, please purchase the book prior to April 15, or use a copy that you already own.

This book study group is also an Open House for the Librarians Teach curriculum subscription. Members of the group will get a free sneak peak into Librarians Teach, launching in June 2020!


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    1. I have tried numerous times over the past week to subscribe with no luck. I am yet to receive an email with how to join the Gamechangers Virtual Book Study. Can you please help?

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