Librarians of Instagram

Hi friends!

Are you on Instagram yet? It’s a quick, easy, visual way to connect with fellow librarians and other educators. I can check my Instagram feed in a few minutes, when I may not have time to read a blog post or an article.

Getting Started

It’s free to set up your Instagram account. Create a username (your real name, or a nickname that expresses your job or personality). Create your profile, with a picture and a short (150 characters) bio. Simple, right? Here’s what mine looks like.

Librarian Instagram

Now you’re all set up, and you can start posting pictures from your phone, and sharing the great things going on in your library. I show my students from the back, or cover their faces with digital stickers to protect their online privacy. School Library Month is the PERFECT time to get started on this digital collaboration!

What to Post

What can you post? Check out this School Library Month calendar that Amy Woods (@thegotolibrarygirl) shared on HER Instagram!

Teachers Librarians of InstagramWouldn’t you love to see what other teacher-librarians’ favorite read-aloud books are? Or take a peek at their work spaces? I can’t wait!

Who To Follow

The fun part of Instagram is being able to quickly connect with other teacher-librarians around the world. Inspiration is just a click away! So, after you set up YOUR Instagram account, tell us your username in a comment here. I’ll add them to this blog post, and we’ll all have librarians to follow and learn from.

So, what are you waiting for? Go set up that account. Share it with us, and start posting!

library learners signature

Librarians of Instagram List

@RCLibrary (Vanessa at Rosemary Community Library)

@Lazytribrarian (Heather Brown, librarian and triathlete)

@dmslibrary366 (Laura Gardner at Dartmouth Middle School Library)

@ikesmediacenter (Jennifer Lewis at Indian Knoll ES Library)

@bernal_library  (Dr. Joe Bernal Middle School Library)

@jackrabbitlibrary (Ralls ISD libraries)

@library_patch (Sonya Dykeman at Lowville School Elementary Library)


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      1. Thanks for sharing your Instagram handle, Vanessa! I’ve added you to our Librarians of Instagram list!

    1. You can follow me at Lazytribrarian (which is also my Twitter handle). Great post! I’d like to see more librarians connecting and sharing on Instagram as well.

      1. Thanks for sharing your Instagram handle, Heather! I’ve added you to our Librarians of Instagram list!

    2. My library is at @dmslibrary366. Lots of posts featuring our MakerSpace and student projects!

      1. Thanks for sharing your Instagram handle, Laura! I’ve added you to our Librarians of Instagram list!

      1. Thanks for sharing your Instagram handle, Jennifer! I’ve added you to our Librarians of Instagram list!

    3. Our library Instagram page is @jackrabbitlibrary. We haven’t had it for very long, but our most popular posts are our #Bookfacefriday pictures every Friday.

      1. Thanks for sharing your Instagram handle, Emilie! I’ve added you to our Librarians of Instagram list!

    4. Hi Cari – So excited to see your blog post! I just recently decided to give Instagram a try, but I totally need some fellow librarians to follow. I just added everyone here. You can find me @library_patch. (Sonya Dykeman)

      1. Thanks for sharing your Instagram handle, Sonya! I’ve added you to our Librarians of Instagram list!

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