Library Centers Startup Kit
Hi friends!
Wow! AASL13 was an amazing experience! I had such a great time sharing library centers with about 400 people at the Idea Exchange. I shared a booth with fantastic colleagues Carolyn Vibbert from Risking Failure and Jessica Lodge from Mrs. Lodge’s Library.
Here are the three of us in our matching Library Centers shirts designed by Carolyn.
Here’s a photo of our table, after we finished setting it up.
All three of us have loved the student engagement that library centers bring to our school libraries. We want YOU to be able to get started with library centers, too. So we created a freebie for you: a Library Centers Startup Kit on Teachers Pay Teachers. It’s a free download with 48 pages of center-y goodness.
Thanks so much to those of you who stopped by our table. It was great to talk to you!
I hope you and your students enjoy this freebie!