Library Orientation Videos

Hi friends!

Planning your library orientation lessons? Me, too! Surrounded by the smell of brand new school supplies and freshly waxed floors (at school, not home!), I’m getting ready for a brand new year in the library.

Here are a few of my favorite videos to incorporate in library orientation. Many of these focus on book care for our younger students.

Scaredy Squirrel Goes to the Library

Sammy the Shelf Marker

5 Book Care Rules, starring Skippyjon Jones

What Happens To Your Library Books When You Go Home?

Do you have a favorite that I’ve missed? Please share the link in a comment!

p.s.–I often use a video as an attention-grabber for a library lesson. I’ve pinned many of them to my Pinterest board for Library Videos.


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      1. Sara,
        Thank you for that solution! In our district, youtube can be viewed with a teacher login, but not a student login.
        I love Sammy the Shelf Marker!

    1. I used the Skippyjon video and the What Happens to my Book ones with my 1st and 2nd graders today and they LOVED them! I’m going to use Sammy the Shelfmarker next week. Thanks for sharing them!

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