Sqworl for School Images
Hi friends!
One of my virtual friends, Sonya Dykeman at The Library Patch, created a sqworl to help students find a kid-safe search engine. You can see her post here.
She created a graphic link that takes you to a sqworl, which is basically a web page with graphic links to other web pages. Way cool! At the click of a button, students can see several ways to search online, without the uncertain results that Google delivers.
I added her sqworl to my Library Resources Page, and then I decided to create my own sqworl.
Here’s why. A challenge I have when helping students on projects is finding images, without defaulting to Google. I want our students to be sensitive to copyright issues, and I want them to have several resources to choose from, rather than mindlessly Googling.
I created a sqworl for copyright-free images for school projects, and here it is!
Click on it to give it a try.
You can copy this graphic and put it on your own web page at school, so that YOUR students can use image sources other than Google. The link will take you to this address: http://sqworl.com/ceicd6
If you know of other great sources for images students can use in their projects, please let me know, and I’ll add them to the sqworl for all of us! I hope this helps you in your library teaching!
Thank you so much…what a great idea!!! Love and will be using with my class. I found you on Pinterest so many others must find it useful as well.
Thanks, Keri! (hey! We share a first name. Do people always spell yours the wrong way, too?) I’ve needed this for a while, but just recently learned how to create it.
Love the Sqworl! I have seen these before but never tried one myself. The links you have on yours are all good, but since my students are only K-2, there were a couple I wanted to take off – so I made one of my own! Hope you don’t mind that I used 4 of yours!! I’ve already created it and added it to my student reference links page on my library website! (https://sites.google.com/a/oconeeschools.org/ocps-library/) Thanks for the inspiration!
You are the Librarian Goddess! Thanks for this Cari, I LOVE it!
Miss you,
Not hardly, Ramona, but thanks! Miss you too!
Morguefile & Fotopedia (though not 100% of them are CC licensed … you search for what you want (magnifying glass in the lower right) and then look for the CC in the bottom right corner of the photo)
There are loads more if you go to the Livebinder or Joyce Valenza’s page that I have listed from my TCEA presentation on my site. But sometimes more is not necessarily better.
Ms. O, Morgue File is blocked at school. That makes me wonder about some of the content. I’ll check out Fotopedia. Thanks for the ideas!
Gotta love Pinterest! I found you this morning. Your blog is FULL of resources that I intend to use in my FULL classroom. I’m linking to your sqworl. Thanks for sharing! ~Mrs. Full
Thanks for the comment, Mrs. Full! I definitely DO love Pinterest. I’m so glad you found me!