Turtle Library Center
Hi friends!
My turtle arrived today! He was bigger than I expected, and livelier too!
Yesterday I collected all of our turtle books, fiction and non-fiction. I’ll display these next to the turtle’s tank, and replace them as students check them out.
Then I wrote a prompt on butcher paper, and put it on the table, with markers. Today, our turtle arrived!
Here’s what our turtle library center looked like after I set it up.
Simple, right? Turtle tank, markers, and butcher paper. Here’s what it looked like once students arrived in the library.
This is the funny part. Although I wrote the prompt inside a turtle shape just to be cute, many of the students assumed that they should write their responses inside turtle shapes, too!
Like this…
They’re so funny!
I hope you have the chance to try a live animal center in your library!
What a great idea! What do you need to feed your turtle? I had a gecko in the classroom once, and it ate crickets. In an effort to save money, I bought a box of crickets, instead of simply a dozen at a time. When I opened the box, there were 500 crickets inside. That is ALOT of crickets!! I put the crickets in a second aquarium with a wire screen top. When I returned to school the next day, the crickets had chewed a hole in the screen and ESCAPED. They were found everywhere in school, and my administrator banned me from live animals. However, I do have a new administrator. Maybe I could convince her that I need library pet 🙂
Sonya, thanks for sharing that hilarious story!
I do feed crickets to my turtle. So far no critters have escaped, but I’ve always wondered what would happen if I had to search the library for a runaway science center!
I hope you get a new library pet!
I’m jealous! I wanted to get a turtle for my library this year, but our school district has a pretty tight animal policy and turtles are not allowed due to the risk of salmonella. Fish are allowed, however, so at least I have my Betta!