Found Friday Library Centers
Hi friends!
Have you checked out the Found Friday posts at Risking Failure and Mrs. Lodge’s Library?
Don’t we have some amazing virtual colleagues?
My Found Friday post focuses on construction makerspaces. I plan to have three makerspace areas set up in our library next year: art/crafts, construction, and technology. I’ll start the year with some really simple construction projects that I’ve found on Pinterest.
Building with Cardboard Squares
In the Children’s Room posted this project, inspired by the National Art Gallery. You’ll have to cut cardboard into squares, and cut notches into the squares ahead of time. Then you can give your students challenges, like “build the tallest structure possible,” or “build a structure that looks like an animal.” (You know you’ve got some Amazon boxes you could cut up for this project!)
100-Cup Structure
I originally pinned this idea for the 100th day of school, but I think that the classic red Solo cup could be a great addition to a construction makerspace!
Joyful Learning in KC posted this project. How simple would this be to set up? A few hundred cups and a sign, and you’re good to go! I know lots of my students would love to take on this challenge!
Removable Lego Walls
What?!? Lalymom posted this little project, requiring a few handyman skills, but so worth it!
You drill holes in a base plate, then use bungee cords to attach the base plate to an easel, or use wire 3M Command hooks to attach the base plate to your wall. Boom! You’ve got kids stretching their arms, looking at Lego structures in a different way, and it doesn’t take up any table space!
Happy building! We’ve got some future engineers to inspire!