Peek at my week

Hi friends!

I hope you are enjoying sunny spring weather in your part of the world! Here in San Antonio we are getting ready to celebrate Fiesta!

My library centers will all be spring-y this week.

At one center, students will be drawing birds on bookmarks.

Are your students as art-starved as mine? My students love to draw, and appreciate simple instructions they can follow.

Another center will have the spring cards from my Four Seasons Would You Rather set. The students and teachers have fun talking about these choices together.

The spring cards are laminated on card stock, and put into a bucket for the students to draw from. It’s a great conversation starter, and a way to work on reasoning skills by asking them to explain their choice.

(By the way, I just uploaded Would You Rather cards for 5 fiction genres. It took me two months to make them, but I  know I’ll use them every year as we study historical fiction, realistic, mystery, fantasy, and science fiction. Check them out if you’d like!)

And we are having lots of fun with our CHICKS! I am so lucky to have a first grade teacher who helps me with the equipment, the know-how, the eggs, and the farm for the chicks to go to after they’ve grown too big for the cage!

Here’s what we get to see during the day.

That’s just a video I took on my iPhone, to give you a peek into our library. In case you’re wondering, the feed is on a piece of printer paper so it doesn’t fall through the gaps in the cage, and so the chicks can scratch at it. The clear plastic is wrapped around the cage so that the little rascals don’t try to escape through the gaps. Usually we hear the peaceful peeps, but occasionally they panic over something and start screeching.

I don’t have to tell you that all of our chicken books are checked out, do I? We are all entertained by these lively chicks.

And I’ll be reading The Perfect Nest to kindergarten this week. I love to do the accents of the different birds!

How about you? What engaging activities are planned for YOUR library this week?


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    1. Hi Cari!
      Can you tell me where you ordered your eggs from last year? I have someone to take them when they are grown but other than that I really don’t have a clue where to start with this :). I figured I still have a week before we go back to begin my research and start getting the supplies we will need but I am very excited to have eggs and chicks in the library this year. Thank you.

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